Information about our parent organization, the International Association of Charities (in French, Association Internationale des Charités (AIC))
Who are we?
- An International association of more than 200.000 volunteers of whom most are women,
- 52 associations present in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, USA,
- Local teams of volunteers organize projects in their own locality,
- One of the oldest voluntary associations founded in 1617 by St Vincent de Paul, the precursor of humanitarian aide. Famvin (Vincentian Family) Website.
What do we do?
- The AIC groups are present in the field and consist – for the most part – of local volunteers who respond to the needs expressed by the local poor.
- These groups start projects which are part of, and reflect, the local reality, making it possible for the poorest of the poor to elaborate and implement projects of which they are the direct beneficiaries.
- They raise awareness in the public opinion on growing social exclusion, and call upon the international authorities , both civil and ecclesiastic, on the following issues: human rights violations, the problems experienced by the victims of social exclusion, as well as those of women, and families in today’s society.
- They train volunteers on a permanent basis, in order to sharpen their skills with an accent on:
- – A multidimensional approach to causes and effects of poverty,
– Beneficiaries’ involvement and empowerment,
– Partnership and social co-responsibility, and
– Networking.
Visit AIC website | Twinning with AIC Madagascar