LOC Board of Directors & Appointments FY 2024-2025


President: Catherine Powers

Co-President(s) Elect: Winnie Pratt and Marilyn Severino

Co-Director(s) of Development: Sharon Brown and Nancy Rasmussen

Co-Director(s) of Membership: Carol Herbert and Ann Fields

Recording Secretary: Karen McNellis

Corresponding Secretary: Linda Cook

Treasurer: Donna Montague

Pay Pal Administrator: Jean Sumner

Treasurer Elect: Pam Samulcek

Past President: Susan Wagner

Spiritual Moderator: Karen Brinker

Ex-Officio Members:

Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Dick Gielow, CM

LCUSA Representative: Mary Pat Sullivan

Standing Committee Chairpersons:

Budget/Finance: Christy Towle

Dues: Ruth Wellman and Maggie Streff

Publicity: Patti Comstock

Spiritual: Fran Cashion

Obituaries: Anita Schneider and Rita Zahner

Prayer Network: Rosemary Nelson

Rosaries: Albe McGurk and Gayle Johnson

Programs: Janet Lipke

New Meeting Coordinator: Rose Vanderbek

Food Coordinator: Ann Kranz

Decoration: Rose Vanderbeck and Anita Dunn

Reservations: Janet Gerstner and Sharon Khoury

Volunteer Services: Mary Giordano


Beneficiary Reps:

Duchesne/Caritas Clinic: Debbie Lieurance
Seton Center: Mary Pat Sullivan
Villa St Francis: Karen Brinker

Email Coordinator: Jane Sak

Historian: Eleanor Raggett
New Member Coordinators: Paula Neuer and Suz Williams

Parliamentarian:  Gayle Johnson

Newsletter: Karen Brinker

Roster: Laura Cotter, Carol Bartolac and Vicki Saviano

Thrift Store Coordinator: Mary Lew McCarty

Urban Rangers: Shannon Clifford

Website Coordinator: Margie Keary

Fund Raising Chairpersons:

Angel Patrons: Paula Logan and Sally Payne

Bridge: Jane Peal

Merchandise: Kirstie Altman

New Theatre: Ann Klein


  1. Positions that are in Red and underlined are on the Executive Board
  2. Positions that are in Red are voting positions
  3. Above two combined make up the voting members LOC Board of Directors which must be approved by the General Membership at the Spring General Meeting.

2023 Nominating Committee: Mary Pat Sullivan (chair), Donna Montague, Eleanor Raggett, Nancy Rasmussen, Marnie Robinett, and Susan Wagner