President: Catherine Powers
Co-President(s) Elect: Winnie Pratt and Marilyn Severino
Co-Director(s) of Development: Sharon Brown and Nancy Rasmussen
Co-Director(s) of Membership: Carol Herbert and Ann Fields
Recording Secretary: Karen McNellis
Corresponding Secretary: Linda Cook
Treasurer: Donna Montague
Pay Pal Administrator: Jean Sumner
Treasurer Elect: Pam Samulcek
Past President: Susan Wagner
Spiritual Moderator: Karen Brinker
Ex-Officio Members:
Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Dick Gielow, CM
LCUSA Representative: Mary Pat Sullivan
Standing Committee Chairpersons:
Budget/Finance: Christy Towle
Dues: Ruth Wellman and Maggie Streff
Publicity: Patti Comstock
Spiritual: Fran Cashion
Obituaries: Anita Schneider and Rita Zahner
Prayer Network: Rosemary Nelson
Rosaries: Albe McGurk and Gayle Johnson
Programs: Janet Lipke
New Meeting Coordinator: Rose Vanderbek
Food Coordinator: Ann Kranz
Decoration: Rose Vanderbeck and Anita Dunn
Reservations: Janet Gerstner and Sharon Khoury
Volunteer Services: Mary Giordano
Beneficiary Reps:
Duchesne/Caritas Clinic: Debbie Lieurance
Seton Center: Mary Pat Sullivan
Villa St Francis: Karen Brinker
Email Coordinator: Jane Sak
Historian: Eleanor Raggett
New Member Coordinators: Paula Neuer and Suz Williams
Parliamentarian: Gayle Johnson
Newsletter: Karen Brinker
Roster: Laura Cotter, Carol Bartolac and Vicki Saviano
Thrift Store Coordinator: Mary Lew McCarty
Urban Rangers: Shannon Clifford
Website Coordinator: Margie Keary
Fund Raising Chairpersons:
Angel Patrons: Paula Logan and Sally Payne
Bridge: Jane Peal
Merchandise: Kirstie Altman
New Theatre: Ann Klein
- Positions that are in Red and underlined are on the Executive Board
- Positions that are in Red are voting positions
- Above two combined make up the voting members LOC Board of Directors which must be approved by the General Membership at the Spring General Meeting.
2023 Nominating Committee: Mary Pat Sullivan (chair), Donna Montague, Eleanor Raggett, Nancy Rasmussen, Marnie Robinett, and Susan Wagner